Urinary Tract Infection UTI Home Test
Urinary Tract Infection Home Test
UTI Screening
Treating a urinary tract infection early is the key to fast relief and the prevention of more serious problems. WIth HealthCheckRx test strips you can take a UTI test at home safely and simply. This test is widely used by labs to diagnose a UTI. Home tests allow for anonymous pre-screening, and can provide additional information when disclosing signs and symptoms to your practioner.
(3 Tests/package)
The kit contains test strips formulated to assist patients by screening for possible uriniary tract infection. The strips check for nitrites and leukocytes produced by common UTI causing bacteria. A colour shift indicates the presence of nitrites or leukocytes, indicating a possible urinary tract infection, and the possible need for further investigation or treatment.
What is checks for:
Presence of Leukocyctes in sufficient concentration to cause colour shift, indicating a possible infection.
Presence of Nitrites in sufficient concentration to cause colour shift, indicating a possible infection.
This is not a culture and sensitivity test. These tests do not determine bacterial species, or sensitivity to antibiotics. If you believe you require Culture and Sensitivity testing, please speak to your physician. This test is intended as an indication of Leukocyte and Nitrite Levels only, and should not be interpreted as the determination or diagnosis of any condition. If signs of a UTI are detected, you should consult your pharmacist and physician. Further investigations may be needed in order for a practioner to establish a working diagnosis.
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